The story behind

Hey! How nice to have you on our blog! We are Roger & Arlette from Ursus Brown Travel and one of our favorite, perhaps most favorite activity is traveling. We capture this on camera and you can follow us via this blog and via our YouTube channel with the same name Ursus Brown Travel. I (Roger) started making travel videos over a year ago. At first, to get out of the well-known comfort zone, but this quickly turned into one of my passions. Creating something from nothing is something that gives me a lot of energy. Over time, Ursus Brown Travel has grown and I have started to take it more and more seriously. As a result, we now have a nice number of subscribers on YouTube and we have started this blog. In the past year I also infected my girlfriend (Arlette) with the same virus. Her passion, however, lies more in photography. Seems like a perfect combination to us!

What can you expect from us

Travel content that focuses on the destinations we travel to. It’s not about us, but about the wonderful places this world has given us. Of course we appear here and there, but you get the concept. Through our YouTube channel we offer a short immersive visual experience of +/- between 10 and 20 minutes. We show beautiful places and provide information, tips and tricks. If you really are a diehard and want more depth, you have come to the right place with our extensive blog, which is enriched with beautiful photos and travel itineraries that make your visit to the these places a lot easier.

Meaning of Ursus Brown Travel

Ursus Brown Travel, where does that name come from? That’s a good question, one we’re happy to answer. What I (Roger) found most difficult about starting a YouTube channel was coming up with a name, because you have to admit, there are already a lot of travel channels with well-known travel names. After a few days of deliberation, we came up with the name Ursus Brown Travel. Ursus Brown is the Latin translation of brown bear and it is the Totem animal of my zodiac sign “Virgo”. Given our interest in astrology and the fact that I think brown bears are incredibly beautiful animals, this seemed like a nice and original name to me. Add Travel to that and suddenly you have a YouTube channel.

We hope to make many more trips together and we would of course like it, if you travel with us via this blog or via our YouTube channel. Who knows, you may find your next destination here and with our information, which is honestly shared from our own experience, you will be well on your way!